Monday, June 30, 2008

Mr. Ding Ding

This is Mr. Ding Ding, he's my comic character and is very violent. You might only see his head but he's a stick figure. He loves beer nd gets killed in every comic. I first started him near the end of Gr. 4

and he's become sort of a legened in my class. Every time I finish a comic everybody wants to read it. TEE HEE. I've made more than 30 comics in total except in Gr. 4 all my comics where stolen except the one I was working on. And I'm going to an animation camp this summer and I'm going to make Mr. Ding Ding shows. But I doutb I can make violent ones well I'll try to post one of my animations or comics on my blog. TEE HEE.

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